Pain relief quotes and sayings funny

1. "I told my doctor I broke my arm in two places. He told me to stop going to those places." - Henny Youngman

2. "I'm not addicted to painkillers, I just really enjoy not feeling pain."

3. "I have a love-hate relationship with pain relief. I love it when it works, but hate it when it wears off."

4. "Pain relief: because punching people in the face is frowned upon."

5. "I take my pain relief with a side of sarcasm."

6. "Pain relief: the only thing that makes me feel better about feeling bad."

7. "I have a high pain tolerance, but an even higher appreciation for pain relief."

8. "Pain relief: the only thing that makes me feel like a functioning human being."

9. "I don't always take pain relief, but when I do, I feel like a superhero."

10. "Pain relief: the closest thing to a magic potion for adults."

Above is Pain relief quotes and sayings funny.

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