Palestinian sayings in arabic

1. "الصبر مفتاح الفرج" (Patience is the key to relief)

2. "الحياة قصيرة، فلا تضيعها في الهموم" (Life is short, so don't waste it on worries)

3. "الجار قبل الدار" (The neighbor before the house)

4. "العقل زينة" (Intelligence is beauty)

5. "اللي بينبت بالشوك بينجرح" (Whoever grows among thorns will get hurt)

6. "اللي ما بيتعلم من الماضي، ما بيتعلم من المستقبل" (Who doesn't learn from the past, won't learn from the future)

7. "اللي بيحب يلقى الخير، يلقى الطيب" (Whoever seeks goodness, will find it)

8. "اللي بيعرف قيمة الشيء، ما بيضيعه" (Who knows the value of something, won't waste it)

9. "اللي بيعمل الخير، بيلاقي الخير" (Who does good, will find good)

10. "اللي بيعطي بياخد" (Who gives, receives)

Above is Palestinian sayings in arabic.

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Materialistic sayings

1. Money can't buy happiness, but it's a lot more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle.2. I'm not materialistic, I just appreciate the finer things in life.3. Luxury is not a necessity, but it sure does make life more enjoyable.4. I'd rather cry in a mansion than laugh in a shac