Palestinians sayings

Here are some common Palestinian sayings:

1. "Yalla, habibi" - Let's go, my love

2. "Inshallah" - God willing

3. "Mashallah" - What God has willed

4. "Sabah al-khair" - Good morning

5. "Yom sa'id" - Have a happy day

6. "Khalas" - Finished or done

7. "Tfaddal" - Please, come in

8. "Ma fi mushkila" - No problem

9. "Bukra fil mishmish" - Tomorrow in the apricot season (meaning something that will never happen)

10. "Haram" - Shameful or forbidden

Above is Palestinians sayings.

Islamic patience quotes in english allah knows sayings quotes

1. And be patient, for indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good. - Quran 11:1152. Verily, with hardship comes ease. - Quran 94:63. Do not be grieved, indeed Allah is with us. - Quran 9:404. Allah is with those who are patient. - Quran 2:1535. Patience is of tw

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Very witty sayings

1. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.2. I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode.3. I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.4. I'm not a control freak, but can I show you the right way to do that?5. I'm not a morning person, I'm a coffee person.6. I'm not clu