Pandemic funny sayings

1. "Quarantine has turned us all into dogs. We roam the house looking for food, we're told 'no' if we get too close to strangers, and we get really excited about car rides."

2. "I never thought the phrase 'I wouldn't touch them with a 6-foot pole' would become a standard unit of measurement."

3. "I've reached the 'I'm so bored I'm organizing my sock drawer' stage of quarantine."

4. "I never thought the 'fresh air' I was always talking about would be coming in through a mask."

5. "I've been practicing social distancing for years, but now it's just a requirement."

6. "I used to cough to cover up a fart, now I fart to cover up a cough."

7. "I never thought the most social interaction I'd have in a day would be with my delivery driver."

8. "I've washed my hands so much that my skin now identifies as a desert."

9. "I've been avoiding people for so long, I'm starting to forget how to socialize."

10. "I never thought my favorite accessory would be a face mask."

Above is Pandemic funny sayings.

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