Pass the parcel sayings

1. "Pass the parcel, don't be slow, it's time to see where it will go!"

2. "Round and round the parcel goes, where it stops, nobody knows!"

3. "Pass the parcel with care, unwrap it quickly if you dare!"

4. "Keep the parcel moving fast, it's all part of the fun that lasts!"

5. "Pass the parcel, pass it on, the prize inside will soon be won!"

6. "Pass the parcel, don't delay, the next person is waiting to play!"

7. "Pass the parcel, round it goes, excitement building as it flows!"

8. "Pass the parcel, keep it moving, the anticipation is truly proving!"

9. "Pass the parcel, unwrap with glee, the surprise inside is waiting to see!"

10. "Pass the parcel, keep it moving, the game is on and everyone is grooving!"

Above is Pass the parcel sayings.

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Leadres sayings in tamil

1. முன்னேறு, முன்னேறு, முன்னேறு! (Keep moving forward, keep moving forward, keep moving forward!)2. உழைப்பு வாழ்வில் முன்னேறு. (Strive forward in the journey of life.)3. வெற்றிக்கு வருக, வெற்றிக்கு வருக! (Go towards success, go towards success!)4. நீ வெற்றிக்கு வருக, வெற்றிக்கு வருக! (You go

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Cute i love you sayings in spanish

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