Passport sayings

1. "A passport is a ticket to the world."

2. "Travel far, travel wide, with a passport by your side."

3. "The world is your oyster, and your passport is the key."

4. "Collect memories, not things, with a passport in hand."

5. "Adventure awaits, with a passport as your guide."

6. "A passport is a storybook of your travels."

7. "Explore, discover, and wander with a passport in hand."

8. "Life is short, but a passport can take you far."

9. "The best souvenirs are stamps in your passport."

10. "Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer, and a passport is your currency."

Above is Passport sayings.

Shake like a sayings

Shake like a leaf in the wind.

Old swedish sayings

1. Bättre en fågel i handen än tio i skogen - Better a bird in hand than ten in the forest. Meaning it's better to have something certain than to risk losing it for something uncertain.2. Den som gräver en grop åt andra faller själv däri - He who digs a pit for others falls into it himself.

Broken heart sayings

1. A broken heart is like a shattered mirror. It's better to leave it broken than hurt yourself trying to fix it.2. Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.3. The heart was made to be broken.4. A broken heart is the worst. It's like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it, but it

Bowed up like a sayings

It seems like you may be referring to the phrase bowed up which can mean being tense, ready for action, or showing aggression. It's often used in the context of someone being confrontational or aggressive. If you have a specific question or need more information, feel free to ask!

Sayings for her beauty

1. She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies. - Lord Byron2. Her beauty is like a painting, a masterpiece that takes my breath away. 3. In her eyes, I see the reflection of a thousand stars, each one shining with the light of her beauty.4. Her beauty is like a b

Icelandic sayings funny

1. Það er ekki allt gull sem glóir - Not all that glitters is gold2. Það er ekki allt gott sem ills - Not everything good is bad3. Það er betra að vera snemma en seint - It's better to be early than late4. Það er ekki allir sem glaðir eru - Not everyone is happy5. Það er gaman að vera gamal

Wife birthday sayings

1. To my beautiful wife, may your birthday be as special as you are to me.2. Happy birthday to the love of my life, my partner in crime, and my best friend.3. On your special day, I want you to know how much you mean to me. Happy birthday, my dear wife.4. To the woman who makes every day brig

As low as sayings

1. As low as a snake's belly.2. As low as dirt.3. As low as the ground.4. As low as a worm.5. As low as a bottom-feeder.6. As low as a heel.7. As low as a shadow.8. As low as a whisper.9. As low as a sneaky thief.10. As low as a snake in the grass.

British sayings across the pond

Here are some British sayings that may be unfamiliar to those across the pond:1. Bob's your uncle - This phrase is used to say that something is easy or straightforward.2. Taking the mickey - To make fun of someone or tease them.3. Chuffed to bits - Feeling very pleased or proud.4. Blimey! -

Catchy sayings about cleveland browns

1. Dawg Pound pride, Cleveland Browns ride!2. Bleed orange and brown, Cleveland Browns never back down.3. In Cleveland we trust, Browns fans are a must.4. From the shores of Lake Erie, Cleveland Browns fans cheer freely.5. Orange helmets, brown pride, Cleveland Browns never hide.6. Dawg P