Pateti sayings

1. "Pateti is a time for reflection and repentance."

2. "May the spirit of Pateti bring peace and harmony to all."

3. "Let us seek forgiveness and start anew on this Pateti."

4. "May the light of wisdom guide us on the path of righteousness this Pateti."

5. "On Pateti, let us strive to be better versions of ourselves."

6. "May the blessings of Ahura Mazda be upon us on this auspicious day of Pateti."

7. "Pateti is a time to let go of past mistakes and embrace a brighter future."

8. "Let us pray for forgiveness and renewal of our spirits on this Pateti."

9. "May the spirit of Pateti inspire us to be kinder and more compassionate towards others."

10. "Wishing you a blessed and joyous Pateti filled with love and positivity."

Above is Pateti sayings.

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