Peaky blinder sayings

Here are some popular sayings from the TV show Peaky Blinders:

1. "By order of the Peaky Blinders."

2. "Everyone's a whore, Grace. We just sell different parts of ourselves."

3. "I'm not a traitor to my class. I am just an extreme example of what a working man can achieve."

4. "You can change what you do, but you can't change what you want."

5. "The only way to guarantee peace is to have the gun."

6. "It's not a good idea to look at Tommy Shelby the wrong way."

7. "You don't f*** with the Peaky Blinders."

8. "I'm not a traitor. I'm just a man who knows how to get what he wants."

9. "You can change what you do, but you can't change what you want."

10. "I'm a Peaky Blinder. I don't f*** about."

Above is Peaky blinder sayings.

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