Peanut to my butter sayings

1. "You're the peanut to my butter, the jelly to my sandwich."

2. "You're the peanut to my butter, the star to my sky."

3. "You're the peanut to my butter, the smile to my face."

4. "You're the peanut to my butter, the key to my heart."

5. "You're the peanut to my butter, the sun to my shine."

6. "You're the peanut to my butter, the dance to my music."

7. "You're the peanut to my butter, the best friend to my soul."

8. "You're the peanut to my butter, the laughter to my day."

9. "You're the peanut to my butter, the sweet to my salty."

10. "You're the peanut to my butter, the love to my life."

Above is Peanut to my butter sayings.

Cute baby shirts sayings

1. Daddy's Little Sidekick2. Mommy's Little Sunshine3. I'm the Boss Baby4. Milk Monster5. Little Explorer6. Cuteness Overload7. Future Heartbreaker8. Tiny but Mighty9. Daddy's Princess10. Mommy's Little Maniac

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I really like you sayings

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Day drinking sayings

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