Pedantry quotes and sayings

1. "Pedantry is the dotage of knowledge." - William Hazlitt

2. "Pedantry is the showy display of knowledge which crams our heads with learned lumber and then takes out our brains to make room for it." - Charles Caleb Colton

3. "Pedantry is the worst of all. It is the dead wood of knowledge." - William Hazlitt

4. "Pedantry is the enemy of genius." - Voltaire

5. "Pedantry in learning is like hypocrisy in religion, a form of knowledge without the power of it." - Lord Halifax

6. "Pedantry is the act of showing off learning in a manner that is unnecessary and annoying." - Unknown

7. "Pedantry is the fine art of making the trivial appear important." - Unknown

8. "Pedantry is the last refuge of the ignorant." - Unknown

9. "Pedantry is the enemy of understanding." - Unknown

10. "Pedantry is the curse of every profession." - Unknown

Above is Pedantry quotes and sayings.

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