Persian sayings translated

1. "دریا به دریا می‌رود" - "The river flows into the river" (Equivalent to "Like water off a duck's back")

2. "آب رفته به جوب" - "The water that has passed will not return" (Equivalent to "What's done is done")

3. "آهسته روان پیشه روشن" - "Slow and steady wins the race"

4. "کارِ دستِ دیگران، دستِ خود را گرم نمی‌کند" - "Warming another's hands won't warm your own" (Equivalent to "Charity begins at home")

5. "خرگوش را هم زمین خورد" - "Even the rabbit falls to the ground" (Equivalent to "Everyone makes mistakes")

6. "خدا نکرده" - "God forbid"

7. "هر کجا که هستی، باش" - "Wherever you are, be there"

8. "درخت را از برگ شناسند" - "A tree is known by its fruit"

9. "بهترین دوست، دوستی است که بهترین راهنما باشد" - "The best friend is the one who is the best guide"

10. "خوش آمدن به خانه‌ی خود" - "Welcome home"

Above is Persian sayings translated.

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Breathless sayings

1. I am lost for words.2. My heart is racing.3. I can't catch my breath.4. I'm speechless.5. I'm overwhelmed.6. I'm in awe.7. I'm blown away.8. I'm stunned.9. I'm at a loss for words.10. I'm breathless.

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Happy new year sayings 2017

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