Phrases or sayings that have different meanings

1. "Break a leg" - can mean good luck before a performance, or can be taken literally as a wish for someone to actually break their leg.

2. "Bite the bullet" - can mean to endure a painful situation with courage, or can refer to actually biting on a bullet as a form of anesthesia in the past.

3. "Cat's out of the bag" - can mean a secret has been revealed, or can be taken literally as a cat escaping from a bag.

4. "Curiosity killed the cat" - can mean that being too curious can lead to trouble, or can be interpreted as a warning about the dangers of being nosy.

5. "The early bird catches the worm" - can mean that being proactive leads to success, or can be seen as a critique of those who wake up too early.

6. "Kill two birds with one stone" - can mean accomplishing two tasks with a single action, or can be viewed as a violent act towards animals.

7. "A penny for your thoughts" - can mean asking someone what they are thinking, or can be taken literally as offering a penny in exchange for their thoughts.

8. "The grass is always greener on the other side" - can mean that people often desire what they don't have, or can be interpreted as a literal observation about the color of grass.

Above is Phrases or sayings that have different meanings.

Barbie movie sayings

1. You can be anything.2. Dream big and sparkle on.3. Always be yourself, unless you can be a mermaid.4. Life is a fairytale, you just have to write your own ending.5. Friendship is the true treasure.6. Believe in yourself and magic will happen.7. Adventure is out there, you just have t

Sayings about personality

1. Your attitude determines your direction.2. Personality is the glitter that sends your little gleam across the footlights and the orchestra pit into that big black space where the audience is. - Mae West3. Personality is to a man what perfume is to a flower. - Charles M. Schwab4. Personalit

Posative sayings for opening new business

1. Dream big, work hard, and make it happen.2. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.3. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.4. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our do

Big girl quotes and sayings

1. I am a strong woman because a strong woman raised me.2. I am not a one in a million kind of girl, I am a once in a lifetime kind of woman.3. I may be big, but my heart is even bigger.4. I am not afraid to be myself, even if it means standing alone.5. I am a big girl with big dreams and a

Brotha from anotha motha sayings

1. We may not share the same blood, but we're brothers from different mothers.2. Different mothers, same love.3. Brothers by choice, friends by heart.4. We may not have the same parents, but we have the same bond.5. Two peas in a pod, born from different pods.6. We may not be related by b

Sayings work wheels cogs moving

Like the intricate workings of a clock, the sayings of wisdom are the wheels and cogs that keep our minds moving forward.

Two word love sayings

1. Forever yours2. Endless love

John motson sayings

1. And it's live!2. The beautiful game.3. They think it's all over... it is now!4. The magic of the FA Cup.5. It's a game of two halves.6. The crowd are the 12th man.7. He's got a great engine on him.8. Football, bloody hell!9. A real game of two halves.10. The atmosphere is elect

Famous gatsby sayings

1. So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.2. I hope she'll be a fool -- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.3. Can't repeat the past? Why of course you can!4. I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and

Trash can sayings

1. I'm here to collect your garbage, not your drama.2. Trash talk belongs in the bin, not in conversation.3. Dump your worries here and let them be taken away.4. In the end, we all end up in the same place - the trash can.5. Trash today, treasure tomorrow.6. Even the most beautiful things