Picture sayings about god

1. "God is my rock and my salvation."

2. "Trust in God's timing, he has a plan for you."

3. "God's love is endless and unconditional."

4. "With God, all things are possible."

5. "God's grace is sufficient for me."

6. "In God, I find my strength and my peace."

7. "God's love never fails."

8. "God is my refuge and my strength."

9. "God's light shines in the darkness."

10. "God's love is the greatest gift of all."

Above is Picture sayings about god.

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1. One ring to bind us together, one love to guide us forever.2. May your love be as strong as the bonds of the Fellowship.3. In the fires of Mount Doom, your love was forged, unbreakable and true.4. Like Aragorn and Arwen, may your love endure through all trials.5. May your journey togethe

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