Pimpin ken quotes sayings

1. "Pimpin' ain't easy, but somebody's gotta do it."

2. "I'm not a player, I'm a pimp. There's a difference."

3. "You gotta have game to be a pimp, but you gotta have heart to be a true player."

4. "In the game of life, you either pimp or get pimped."

5. "A pimp's strength is in his mind, not just his money."

6. "Pimpin' is about control, not just about the money."

7. "A pimp's greatest asset is his ability to read people."

8. "A true pimp knows how to make the game work for him, not the other way around."

9. "Pimpin' is a lifestyle, not just a job."

10. "Pimpin' is about finesse, not force."

Above is Pimpin ken quotes sayings.

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