Pirate birthday sayings for cards

1. Ahoy matey! Ye be another year older, but still as fierce as a pirate on the high seas!

2. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, it's time to celebrate another year of plundering and pillaging!

3. Shiver me timbers, it be yer birthday! May ye find treasure and adventure in the year ahead.

4. Avast ye, it be time to hoist the Jolly Roger and celebrate another year of swashbuckling fun!

5. Ahoy birthday matey! May yer day be filled with loot, grog, and plenty of pirate cheer.

6. Ye be a treasure worth more than gold doubloons! Happy birthday, me hearty!

7. Yo ho ho, blow out the candles and make a wish as ye embark on another year of pirate adventures!

8. Aye, it be a fine day to celebrate the birth of a true pirate at heart. Happy birthday, me bucko!

9. Hoist the sails and set a course for a grand birthday celebration! Ye be the captain of this ship today.

10. Arrr, another year older but still as fierce and fearless as a pirate on the seven seas. Happy birthday, ye scallywag!

Above is Pirate birthday sayings for cards.

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