Pirate drinking sayings

1. "Here's to the wind at our backs and the rum in our cups!"

2. "May your rum be strong and your enemies be weak."

3. "A pirate's life is a life worth living, especially when there's grog involved."

4. "To the sea, the stars, and the bottle of rum!"

5. "In rum we trust, for it brings us courage and good cheer."

6. "Drink up me hearties, yo ho!"

7. "A pirate's drink of choice: rum, rum, and more rum!"

8. "To the adventures that await us on the high seas, and the drinks that keep us going."

9. "Raise a glass to the pirate life, where every drink is a celebration."

10. "May your rum never run dry, and your crew always be loyal."

Above is Pirate drinking sayings.

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Old sayings about the weather

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