Pirate phrases and sayings
1. "Shiver me timbers!"
2. "Ahoy, matey!"
3. "Avast ye!"
4. "Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!"
5. "Sail ho!"
6. "Dead men tell no tales."
7. "Aye aye, captain!"
8. "Walk the plank!"
9. "Thar she blows!"
10. "Scurvy dog!"
Above is Pirate phrases and sayings.
1. Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all. - Harriet Van Horne2. The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude. - Julia Child3. Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that
Here are some grandmother sayings along with some graphics that you can use:1. A grandmother is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend. - Unknown2. Grandmothers h
1. A potato is a versatile vegetable that can be mashed, fried, or baked - just like us, we can adapt to any situation. 2. Don't underestimate the humble potato, for it has the power to bring comfort and joy to any meal. 3. In a world full of complicated choices, sometimes all you need is a sim
1. A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out. - George Bernard Shaw2. A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally. - Oscar Wilde3. A gentleman is simply a patient wolf. - Lana Turner4. A gentleman is someone who does not what he wants to do, bu
1. Good BBQ is like a hug from the inside. 2. BBQ: Because no great story ever started with someone eating a salad. 3. BBQ is not just food, it's a way of life. 4. You can't buy happiness, but you can buy BBQ, and that's kind of the same thing. 5. BBQ: Where the sauce is boss and the meat i
Here are some popular sayings from the TV show How I Met Your Mother:1. Suit up!2. Legendary!3. Challenge accepted!4. Haaaaave you met Ted?5. It's gonna be legen...wait for it...dary!6. I'm not ready for this.7. Have you ever tried not being a jerk?8. You just got slapped!9. I wou
1. Fifty and fabulous!2. Aged to perfection at 50!3. 50 is the new 30!4. Fifty and thriving!5. Half a century never looked so good!6. Fifty years young!7. Embracing 50 with style and grace!8. 50 and fabulous, just like fine wine!9. Living life to the fullest at 50!10. Cheers to 50
1. In loving memory of a life well lived, may these flowers represent the beauty you brought to our lives.2. As we say goodbye, these flowers serve as a symbol of our eternal love and remembrance.3. In honor of a life that touched so many hearts, these flowers are a token of our deepest sympath
1. Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners. - Laurence Sterne2. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past. - Dalai Lama3. Respect for the rights of others means peace. - Benito Juarez4. Respect is one
1. A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear. - Marilyn Monroe2. Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart. - Anthony J. D'Angelo3. A smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose. - Tom Wilson4. Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you'll start to see a