Pitbull sayings

1. "Don't judge a pitbull by its breed, judge it by its deed."

2. "Pitbulls are not aggressive by nature, they are loyal and loving companions."

3. "Pitbulls are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."

4. "Pitbulls are not born mean, they are made that way by irresponsible owners."

5. "Pitbulls may be strong on the outside, but they have the biggest hearts on the inside."

6. "A pitbull's love is unconditional, once you have their loyalty, you have a friend for life."

7. "Pitbulls are not vicious, they are misunderstood."

8. "Pitbulls are not a breed to be feared, they are a breed to be loved and respected."

9. "Pitbulls are like shadows, they will always be by your side."

10. "Pitbulls are not just pets, they are family."

Above is Pitbull sayings.

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