Pittsburgh dad sayings

1. "Yinz guys need to quit dahn the basement and go outside for once."

2. "I'm tellin' ya, that pothole on the road is big enough to swallow a car whole."

3. "Don't be jaggin' me around, I know what I'm talkin' about."

4. "It's a beautiful day in the 'Burgh, let's go get some Primanti's sandwiches."

5. "If you're not a Steelers fan, then you're not a real Pittsburgher."

6. "I'm gonna go grab some pop at the Giant Eagle, you want anything?"

7. "That's a bunch of malarkey, I ain't buyin' it."

8. "I'm not goin' to Kennywood on a Saturday, it's too crowded."

9. "You better watch out for the 'burghers, they'll cut you off in traffic without a second thought."

10. "I'm just tryin' to raise my kids right, teach 'em the importance of the Stillers and Iron City beer."

Above is Pittsburgh dad sayings.

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