Plaques with sayings about friends

1. "A true friend is the greatest of all blessings."

2. "Friends are the family we choose for ourselves."

3. "Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they're always there."

4. "Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together."

5. "In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips."

6. "Friends are the sunshine of life."

7. "A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you."

8. "Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest, it's about who walked in to your life, said 'I'm here for you' and proved it."

9. "Friends are like walls, sometimes you lean on them and sometimes it's good just knowing they're there."

10. "True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart."

Above is Plaques with sayings about friends.

Cocktails sayings

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Cape town sayings

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Belgian sayings

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