Plutarch's sayings of the spartans

Plutarch, a Greek historian and biographer, wrote extensively about the Spartans in his work "Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans." Here are some sayings and anecdotes about the Spartans from Plutarch's writings:

1. "Come back with your shield, or on it." This was a common saying among the Spartans, emphasizing the importance of bravery in battle and the shame of returning without one's shield, which was a symbol of a warrior's honor.

2. When asked why Spartan laws were unwritten, King Theopompus replied, "So that we may not become accustomed to doing wrong."

3. When a man from another city asked a Spartan why they had no walls around their city, the Spartan pointed to his fellow citizens and said, "These are the walls of Sparta."

4. When someone asked why the Spartans did not have magnificent temples like other Greek cities, a Spartan replied, "We prefer to let our valor, rather than our temples, be our ornament."

5. When a man from Athens mocked the simplicity of Spartan meals, a Spartan replied, "And yet you Athenians, whenever you go to war, eat the same food as we do."

These sayings and anecdotes reflect the Spartan values of courage, discipline, simplicity, and the prioritization of military prowess.

Above is Plutarch's sayings of the spartans.

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