Plutarch sayings of the spartans

Plutarch, a Greek historian and biographer, wrote extensively about the Spartans in his work "Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans." Here are some sayings and anecdotes about the Spartans from Plutarch's writings:

1. "Come back with your shield, or on it." This was a common saying among the Spartans, emphasizing the importance of bravery in battle and the shame of returning without one's shield, which was a symbol of a warrior's honor.

2. "If." When asked what was the most perfect form of government, the Spartan king Agis replied with just one word: "If." This cryptic response was meant to convey the idea that the best government is one that is based on principles and ideals, rather than specific laws or institutions.

3. "Sparta does not ask how many are the enemy, but where are they." This saying reflects the Spartan emphasis on strategy and tactics in warfare, rather than sheer numbers or brute force.

4. "The walls of Sparta were its young men, and its borders the points of their spears." This quote highlights the importance of military strength and discipline in Spartan society, where every young man was expected to be a warrior and defend the city-state.

5. "A wolf does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep." This saying is attributed to the Spartan king Archidamus II, and it reflects the Spartan attitude of self-reliance and independence, as well as their disdain for the opinions of others.

These sayings and anecdotes provide insight into the values and mindset of the Spartans as portrayed by Plutarch in his writings.

Above is Plutarch sayings of the spartans.

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