Poetic edda vafthrudnir sayings

Here are a few sayings from the Poetic Edda's Vafthrudnismal, where the wise giant Vafthrudnir engages in a battle of wits with the god Odin:

1. "Better a brief spell of bliss than a long life of sorrow."

2. "The wise man is seldom wise in the morning."

3. "A man should be cautious, but not too cautious."

4. "The heart is a treacherous thing, often leading us astray."

5. "The path to wisdom is fraught with peril, but the rewards are great."

6. "In the end, all things must pass, even the gods themselves."

7. "Knowledge is a double-edged sword, cutting both ways."

8. "The greatest wisdom is knowing when to be silent."

9. "The world is a tapestry of fate, woven by the hands of gods and men."

10. "In the end, only the brave and the bold will prevail."

Above is Poetic edda vafthrudnir sayings.

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