Poetic sayings about love

1. Love is a flame that burns bright,

In the darkest of nights.

2. Love is a melody that plays,

In the heart's sweetest ways.

3. Love is a garden, blooming with care,

A tapestry of moments, precious and rare.

4. Love is a dance, graceful and true,

A symphony of emotions, shared by two.

5. Love is a journey, winding and long,

A bond that grows, steady and strong.

6. Love is a star, shining above,

A beacon of hope, everlasting love.

7. Love is a river, flowing with grace,

A source of joy, in every embrace.

8. Love is a painting, vibrant and bold,

A masterpiece of feelings, never old.

9. Love is a story, written in the heart,

A tale of passion, never to depart.

10. Love is a treasure, pure and divine,

A gift from above, forever entwined.

Above is Poetic sayings about love.

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