Poison ivy dc sayings

1. "Nature always wins."

2. "I am nature's arm. Her spirit. Her will. Hell, I am Mother Nature!"

3. "I am the green. I am the life force. I am Poison Ivy."

4. "Humans. So fragile. So weak. But plants, we endure."

5. "I have the power to control all plant life on Earth. And nothing can stop me."

6. "You may think you're in control, but in the end, nature always takes back what is hers."

7. "I am the protector of the green, and I will do whatever it takes to defend it."

8. "You can try to destroy me, but I will always rise again, stronger and more determined than ever."

9. "I am not a villain. I am a force of nature, and I will not be tamed."

10. "In the end, the plants will inherit the Earth, and I will be their queen."

Above is Poison ivy dc sayings.

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