Poppy wreath sayings

1. Lest we forget

2. In memory of our heroes

3. Forever in our hearts

4. Honoring the fallen

5. We will remember them

6. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten

7. In honor of those who served

8. Remembering the brave

9. We will always remember

10. Their courage lives on

Above is Poppy wreath sayings.

Financial advisor sayings

1. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.2. Start saving early and often.3. Invest for the long term, not short-term gains.4. Diversification is key to reducing risk.5. Live below your means and save the difference.6. Don't try to time the market, stay invested through ups and downs.7.

French foreign legion sayings

1. March or die - Marche ou crève2. Legio Patria Nostra - The Legion is our homeland3. The Legion is our family - La Légion est notre famille4. To the end of the world - Jusqu'au bout du monde5. Hardship, discipline, courage - Rigueur, discipline, courage6. The Legionnaire's wor

Deep dark quotes sayings

1. In the depth of darkness, light is found. 2. The darkest nights produce the brightest stars. 3. Sometimes you have to walk through the darkness to reach the light. 4. The deeper the darkness, the closer the dawn. 5. In the darkest moments, we must focus on the light within. 6. Darkness

Cliche cop sayings quotes

1. Book 'em, Danno.2. You have the right to remain silent.3. Let's roll.4. We've got a 10-4.5. I'm putting you on ice.6. This is a code 10-33.7. We've got a 187.8. We're in pursuit.9. You're going downtown.10. Justice will be served.

Drummer sayings t-shirts

Here are some ideas for drummer sayings that could be featured on t-shirts:1. Keep calm and drum on2. Drummers do it with rhythm3. I'm a drummer, what's your superpower?4. Drummers hit it harder5. Drummers have the best beats6. Drummers make the world go round7. Drummers do it in time s

Sayings hair spray

Spray it, don't say it.

Sayings about deceitful friends

1. A false friend is like the shadow of a sundial; it appears in clear weather but vanishes when darkness falls.2. Beware of the friend who pretends to be your ally but stabs you in the back when you least expect it.3. A deceitful friend is like a poisonous snake, lurking in the grass waiting t

Beer and friends sayings

1. Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin2. In a study, scientists found that beer makes you friendlier. So if you're not making friends, you're not drinking enough beer. 3. Good friends and cold beer make for a perfect combination.4. Life is brew-tiful

Sayings about two arms

1. United we stand, divided we fall.2. Two arms are better than one.3. Together we can conquer anything.4. Strength in numbers.5. Two arms working together are stronger than one arm alone.6. In unity, there is strength.7. A helping hand is always nearby.8. Two arms embracing can provi

Funny baby pictures sayings

1. I may be small, but my cuteness is mighty!2. I'm not crying, I'm just practicing my opera voice.3. I didn't choose the baby life, the baby life chose me.4. Just here for the milk and cuddles, folks.5. I'm the boss, the cuteness boss.6. Naptime is my favorite time of the day, just sayin