Popular french sayings and meanings

1. "C'est la vie" - This phrase translates to "That's life" in English and is used to express acceptance of a situation or resignation to fate.

2. "Joie de vivre" - This phrase means "joy of living" and is used to describe a cheerful and exuberant enjoyment of life.

3. "Rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à point" - This saying translates to "There's no use in running, you have to start on time" and emphasizes the importance of being prepared and starting things at the right moment.

4. "Petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid" - This phrase means "Little by little, the bird builds its nest" and conveys the idea that perseverance and consistency lead to success.

5. "Mieux vaut tard que jamais" - This saying translates to "Better late than never" and emphasizes the importance of taking action, even if it's delayed.

6. "Qui vivra verra" - This phrase means "Who lives, will see" and is used to express the idea that the future is uncertain and that time will reveal the truth.

7. "L'habit ne fait pas le moine" - This saying translates to "The habit does not make the monk" and conveys the idea that appearances can be deceiving.

8. "Les bons comptes font les bons amis" - This phrase means "Good accounts make good friends" and emphasizes the importance of being fair and transparent in relationships.

9. "Chacun voit midi à sa porte" - This saying translates to "Everyone sees noon at their doorstep" and conveys the idea that everyone sees things from their own perspective.

10. "Il faut tourner sept fois sa langue dans sa bouche avant de parler" - This phrase means "You should turn your tongue seven times in your mouth before speaking" and emphasizes the importance of thinking before speaking.

Above is Popular french sayings and meanings.

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