Popular sayings of 2016

1. "Stay woke"

2. "On fleek"

3. "Netflix and chill"

4. "Slay"

5. "Lit"

6. "Yas queen"

7. "Fam"

8. "Savage"

9. "Goals"

10. "Dab"

Above is Popular sayings of 2016.

Afrikaans sayings brain

Here are a few Afrikaans sayings related to the brain:1. Hy het nie al sy gate in die hek nie. (Translation: He doesn't have all his gates in the fence. Meaning: He is not very intelligent.)2. Sy kop is soos 'n klip. (Translation: His head is like a rock. Meaning: He is stubborn or hard-head

Short loyalty sayings

1. Loyalty is a two-way street.2. True loyalty is rare, cherish it.3. Loyalty is the foundation of trust.4. Loyalty is choosing to stand by someone even when it's not easy.5. In loyalty, there is strength.6. Loyalty is a gift, not an obligation.7. Loyalty is staying true to those who ar

Other sayings for whatever floats your boat

1. To each their own2. Do as you please3. Whatever tickles your fancy4. To each his own5. Whatever works for you6. Whatever suits you7. Follow your own path8. Whatever makes you happy9. To each their own preference10. Whatever you prefer

Adult colouring sayings

1. Embrace the chaos2. Find joy in the journey3. Breathe in peace, breathe out stress4. Be kind to yourself5. Let go of what no longer serves you6. You are enough7. Choose happiness8. Believe in your inner strength9. Create your own sunshine10. Love yourself first

Call of duty losing sayings

1. I'm getting destroyed out here.2. I can't seem to hit anything today.3. I keep getting killed by campers.4. My team is letting me down.5. I'm just not feeling it today.6. I'm getting outplayed at every turn.7. I can't catch a break.8. I'm just not good enough at this game.9. I'm

Chinese patriotic sayings

1. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责。 (tiān xià xīng wáng, pǐ fū yǒu zé) - The rise and fall of a nation is the responsibility of every citizen.2. 民族精神,自强不息。 (mín zú jīng shén, zì qiáng bù xī) - The national spirit is to constantly strive for self-improvement.3. 爱国如爱家,爱家如爱己。 (ài guó rú ài jiā, ài jiā rú ài jǐ) -

Employee appreciation day card sayings

1. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. You truly make a difference in our team.2. Your positive attitude and willingness to go above and beyond does not go unnoticed. Thank you for all that you do.3. Your commitment to excellence is an inspiration to us all. Thank you for being an exce

Sayings related to stock market

1. Buy low, sell high.2. The market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient. - Warren Buffett3. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.4. The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient. - George Soros5. It's not about timing

Funny football sayings uk

1. He's got a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp.2. He couldn't hit a cow's backside with a banjo.3. He's got more tricks up his sleeve than a magician on speed.4. He's about as useful as a chocolate teapot.5. He's as sharp as a marble.6. He's got a touch like a blacksmith's anvil.7. He

Kind short sayings

1. Live in the moment.2. Be the change you wish to see in the world.3. Embrace the journey, not just the destination.4. Happiness is a choice.5. Dream big, work hard.6. Inhale confidence, exhale doubt.7. Stay positive, work hard, make it happen.8. Believe you can and you're halfway th