Popular turkish sayings

1. "Dost kara günde belli olur." (A friend is known in times of trouble.)

2. "Sabrın sonu selamettir." (The end of patience is safety.)

3. "Damlaya damlaya göl olur." (Drop by drop, a lake is formed.)

4. "Yavaş yavaş dağlar aşılır." (Slowly but surely, mountains are crossed.)

5. "Ağaç yaşken eğilir." (A tree is bent while it is still young.)

6. "Her şeyin başı sağlık." (Health is the most important thing.)

7. "Güneş balçıkla sıvanmaz." (You can't cover the sun with mud.)

8. "Akıllı ol, fikrini başkasına söyleme." (Be wise, don't reveal your thoughts to others.)

9. "Köprüyü geçene kadar ayıya dayı derler." (Until you cross the bridge, they call the bear uncle.)

10. "Söz gümüşse, sükut altındır." (If speech is silver, then silence is golden.)

Above is Popular turkish sayings.

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