Popular uk sayings

1. "Bob's your uncle" - used to say that something will be successful or easy to achieve.

2. "It's raining cats and dogs" - used to describe heavy rain.

3. "Chuffed to bits" - used to express happiness or delight.

4. "Blimey!" - an expression of surprise or shock.

5. "Taking the mickey" - teasing or making fun of someone.

6. "On your bike" - a dismissive way of telling someone to go away.

7. "The bee's knees" - used to describe something excellent or outstanding.

8. "Gutted" - feeling extremely disappointed or upset.

9. "Bob's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt" - a humorous variation of "Bob's your uncle."

10. "Mind the gap" - a warning to be careful of the space between a train and the platform.

Above is Popular uk sayings.

Football team t-shirt sayings

1. Winning is our tradition2. Fear the [Team Name]3. Victory starts here4. United we play, united we win5. Defend the turf6. In it to win it7. Leave it all on the field8. Champions in the making9. Game day ready10. One team, one dream

Interesting sayings in irish

1. Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla cliste. (Broken Irish is better than clever English.)2. Ní neart go cur le chéile. (There is strength in unity.)3. Tús maith, leath na hoibre. (A good start is half the work.)4. Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí. (Praise the young and they will flourish.)5. Ar scáth

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Famous haitian sayings

1. Men anpil chay pa lou - Many hands make light work.2. Se pou bondye ki bay, se pou bondye ki pran - What God gives, God takes.3. Lavi se batiman, se pa tout tan lavi p'ap bon - Life is a boat, it's not always smooth sailing.4. Piti piti zwazo fè nich li - Little by little, the bird builds

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Different countries sayings about air

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Cute pilot sayings

1. Fly high, dream big.2. Keep calm and pilot on.3. The sky's the limit, but I'm aiming higher.4. Pilots make the best co-pilots.5. I'm not lost, I'm just exploring from a different perspective.6. Flying is not just a job, it's a passion.7. I'd rather be flying.8. Life is better at 30

Child valentine card sayings

1. You make my heart happy, Valentine!2. You're the sweetest Valentine in the whole wide world!3. Valentine, you're a star in my eyes!4. You're the sprinkles on my cupcake, Valentine!5. I'm so lucky to have you as my Valentine!6. You're the cherry on top of my sundae, Valentine!7. Valen

Sayings from succession

1. Money wins. Here's to us.2. The world is full of predators.3. You can't make a Tomelette without breaking some Greggs.4. The higher up the ladder you climb, the more people's asses you have to kiss.5. Family is everything, and everything is fucked.6. Succession is survival of the shrew