Portuguese sayings

1. "Quem não arrisca, não petisca." - "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

2. "Quem semeia ventos, colhe tempestades." - "You reap what you sow."

3. "Quem tem boca vai a Roma." - "If you have a mouth, you can go to Rome." (Meaning that communication can take you far.)

4. "Águas passadas não movem moinhos." - "Water under the bridge doesn't move the mill." (Meaning that dwelling on the past is pointless.)

5. "Cão que ladra não morde." - "A barking dog doesn't bite." (Someone who talks a lot may not follow through with actions.)

6. "Quem espera sempre alcança." - "Good things come to those who wait."

7. "Quem não tem cão, caça com gato." - "If you can't do it one way, do it another way."

8. "Quem muito fala, pouco acerta." - "The more you talk, the less you get right."

9. "Quem não chora, não mama." - "If you don't cry, you don't get milk." (Meaning that sometimes you have to ask for what you want.)

10. "Quem com ferro fere, com ferro será ferido." - "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword."

Above is Portuguese sayings.

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