Postnatal depression sayings

1. "It's okay not to be okay. Postnatal depression is a real and valid struggle."

2. "You are not alone in your battle with postnatal depression. Reach out for help and support."

3. "Postnatal depression does not define you as a mother. You are strong and capable."

4. "Healing takes time. Be patient with yourself as you navigate through postnatal depression."

5. "Your mental health matters. Take care of yourself and seek help when needed."

6. "You are a loving mother, even on the hardest days of postnatal depression."

7. "There is light at the end of the tunnel. You will overcome postnatal depression and emerge stronger."

8. "You are not weak for struggling with postnatal depression. It takes courage to seek help and work towards healing."

9. "Self-care is not selfish. Prioritize your well-being as you navigate through postnatal depression."

10. "You are a warrior, fighting a battle that many do not understand. Keep going, you are not alone."

Above is Postnatal depression sayings.

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