Prayer sayings islam

Here are some common Islamic prayer sayings that are often recited by Muslims during their prayers:

1. "Allahu Akbar" (الله أكبر) - "Allah is the Greatest"

2. "Subhanallah" (سبحان الله) - "Glory be to Allah"

3. "Alhamdulillah" (الحمد لله) - "Praise be to Allah"

4. "La ilaha illallah" (لا إله إلا الله) - "There is no god but Allah"

5. "Astaghfirullah" (أستغفر الله) - "I seek forgiveness from Allah"

6. "Bismillah" (بسم الله) - "In the name of Allah"

7. "Insha'Allah" (إن شاء الله) - "If Allah wills"

8. "Masha'Allah" (ما شاء الله) - "What Allah wills"

9. "Ameen" (آمين) - "Amen"

10. "Sadaqallahul Azim" (صدق الله العظيم) - "Allah, the Almighty, speaks the truth"

These sayings are recited by Muslims as a way to express their devotion, seek forgiveness, and acknowledge the greatness of Allah in their prayers.

Above is Prayer sayings islam.

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