Pretty italian sayings for tattoos

1. "La vita è un sogno" (Life is a dream)

2. "Dolce far niente" (The sweetness of doing nothing)

3. "In bocca al lupo" (Good luck)

4. "Amore e fortuna" (Love and luck)

5. "Vivere senza rimpianti" (Live without regrets)

6. "Luce della mia vita" (Light of my life)

7. "Dolce vita" (Sweet life)

8. "Fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza" (You were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge)

9. "Sogni d'oro" (Golden dreams)

10. "Carpe diem" (Seize the day)

Above is Pretty italian sayings for tattoos.

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