Pretty little liars quotes and sayings

1. "Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead." - Alison DiLaurentis

2. "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off." - Spencer Hastings

3. "Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close." - Aria Montgomery

4. "Sometimes lies are more dependable than the truth." - Hanna Marin

5. "It's not about who you've known the longest. It's about who came and never left your side." - Emily Fields

6. "Secrets are like scars. You live with them, they remind you of the past, but they don't define your future." - Alison DiLaurentis

7. "You can't change what happened, you can only learn from it." - Spencer Hastings

8. "The only way to deal with the past is to accept it." - Aria Montgomery

9. "The only way to keep a secret is to never have one." - Hanna Marin

10. "The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever." - Emily Fields

Above is Pretty little liars quotes and sayings.

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1. Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles that nobody knows about. 2. It's okay to not be okay. Just remember that you are not alone and that brighter days are ahead. 3. The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.

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1. Survival of the fittest.2. Every man for himself.3. It's a jungle out there.4. Only the strong survive.5. Sink or swim.6. Life is a battlefield.7. Eat or be eaten.8. Fight fire with fire.9. The law of the jungle.10. Dog-eat-dog mentality.

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