Problem solving sayings

1. "Don't find fault, find a remedy." - Henry Ford

2. "The best way to solve a problem is to prevent it from happening." - Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

3. "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein

4. "Every problem has a solution. You just have to be creative enough to find it." - Travis Kalanick

5. "The only way to solve a problem is to confront it head-on." - Unknown

6. "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." - John Dewey

7. "When faced with a problem, look for a way, not a way out." - David L. Weatherford

8. "The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem." - Captain Jack Sparrow

9. "The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it." - Alan Saporta

10. "Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." - John D. Rockefeller

Above is Problem solving sayings.

Sayings about suicidal thoughts

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Workout t-shirts with sayings

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