Proverbial sayings a thief being chased

1. "A thief has a guilty conscience even when no one is chasing him."

2. "A thief runs faster when he's being chased."

3. "A thief's heart beats faster when the chase is on."

4. "A thief's footsteps echo louder when he's being pursued."

5. "A thief's fear grows stronger with each step of the chase."

6. "A thief's escape is never guaranteed when the chase is relentless."

7. "A thief's lies unravel quickly when the truth is chasing him."

8. "A thief's luck runs out when the chase catches up to him."

9. "A thief's past catches up to him in the heat of the chase."

10. "A thief's stolen goods weigh heavy on him as he runs from justice."

Above is Proverbial sayings a thief being chased.

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