Psychological sayings on body language

1. "The body never lies. It speaks volumes even when the mouth is silent."

2. "Body language is the unspoken voice of the mind."

3. "Your body language shapes who you are and how others perceive you."

4. "The eyes are the windows to the soul, but the body is the mirror of the mind."

5. "A person's true feelings are often revealed through their body language, not their words."

6. "The way you carry yourself physically can reveal more about your inner state than any words ever could."

7. "Body language is a powerful form of communication that can convey emotions and intentions without a single word."

8. "Pay attention to how your body responds in different situations, as it may reveal truths that your mind is trying to hide."

9. "The way you move and hold yourself can influence not only how others see you, but also how you see yourself."

10. "Body language is a universal language that transcends cultural barriers and speaks directly to the subconscious mind."

Above is Psychological sayings on body language.

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