Psychology sayings about life
1. "The mind is everything. What you think, you become." - Buddha
2. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. "The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude." - Oprah Winfrey
4. "Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it." - Charles R. Swindoll
5. "Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions." - Dalai Lama
6. "The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." - Alan Watts
7. "The only thing that is constant is change." - Heraclitus
8. "The purpose of our lives is to be happy." - Dalai Lama
9. "The only limits that exist are the ones you place on yourself." - Dr. Wayne Dyer
10. "Life is a journey, not a destination." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Above is Psychology sayings about life.
1. Te amo más que ayer, pero menos que mañana. (I love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow.)2. Eres mi media naranja. (You are my other half.)3. El amor es eterno mientras dura. (Love is eternal as long as it lasts.)4. En el amor y en la guerra, todo se vale. (In love and war, ev
1. Brother from another mother2. Soul sister3. Kindred spirit4. Partner in crime5. Bestie for the restie6. Twin flame7. Ride or die8. Compadre9. Bosom buddy10. Amigo/a
1. Cooking is love made visible. - Unknown2. The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude. - Julia Child3. Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all. - Harriet Van Horne4. The secret of success in lif
1. Cold as ice2. Cold shoulder3. Cold-hearted4. Cold as a stone5. Cold as a corpse6. Cold as a fish7. Cold as a winter's night8. Cold as a glacier9. Cold as a tomb10. Cold as a polar bear's nose
1. I am Iron Man.2. Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.3. I shouldn't be alive, unless it was for a reason.4. I'm not saying I'm responsible for this country's longest run of uninterrupted peace in 35 years. I'm not saying that from the ashes of captivity, never has a greater Phoenix
1. A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song. - Chinese Proverb2. The bird is powered by its own life and by its motivation. - A. P. J. Abdul Kalam3. Mammals and birds are the only animals that have hair or feathers. - Jared Diamond4. The early bird catches
Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, is known for his eloquence and sometimes for his unusual or controversial statements. Here are a few examples of some of his notable sayings:1. I am from a generation that has never known war on the European continent. It is the experience of my generation.
1. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. - Indian Proverb2. The mind is everything. What you think, you become. - Mahatma Gandhi3. The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions.
1. There's nowt so queer as folk - People can be strange or unpredictable.2. Where there's muck, there's brass - Hard work and dirty jobs can lead to wealth.3. It's like trying to teach a pig to whistle - Trying to do something impossible.4. By 'eck! - An expression of surprise or disbelief.
Sure, here are some funny Australian sayings:1. As useful as a screen door on a submarine.2. He's got kangaroos loose in the top paddock.3. Flat out like a lizard drinking.4. Mad as a cut snake.5. He's got a few roos loose in the top paddock.6. As happy as a dog with two tails.7. She'll