Pyrrho philosophy sayings

Pyrrho was a Greek philosopher who founded the school of philosophy known as Pyrrhonism. Here are some key sayings and principles associated with Pyrrho's philosophy:

1. "I suspend judgment." Pyrrho believed in suspending judgment on all matters, as he believed that true knowledge was unattainable.

2. "Nothing is certain." Pyrrho argued that since our senses can deceive us and our reasoning can be flawed, we can never be certain of anything.

3. "Ataraxia." Pyrrho advocated for a state of tranquility and peace of mind, known as ataraxia, which could be achieved by suspending judgment and accepting the uncertainty of the world.

4. "All things are equally indifferent." Pyrrho believed that all things were equal in value and that we should not be attached to any particular belief or desire.

5. "Follow appearances." Pyrrho suggested that we should live our lives according to appearances, without making judgments or assumptions about the nature of reality.

These sayings and principles reflect the skeptical and tranquil nature of Pyrrho's philosophy, which aimed to free individuals from the anxieties and uncertainties of the world.

Above is Pyrrho philosophy sayings.

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