Quick draw mcgraw sayings

1. "I'm the fastest draw in the West!"

2. "Hold on to your hats, folks!"

3. "It's high noon somewhere!"

4. "I reckon it's time for a showdown."

5. "I'm a rootin' tootin' cowboy, partner!"

6. "This town ain't big enough for the two of us."

7. "Yeehaw! Let's ride, boys!"

8. "I'm as quick as a rattlesnake, watch out!"

9. "I'm the law around these parts."

10. "Time to round up them varmints!"

Above is Quick draw mcgraw sayings.

Life's a beach sayings

1. Life's a beach, enjoy the waves.2. Life's a beach, make the most of the sunshine.3. Life's a beach, ride the tide.4. Life's a beach, find your inner peace.5. Life's a beach, let go of your worries like sand slipping through your fingers.6. Life's a beach, soak up the good vibes.7. Li

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Dont care sayings

1. Not my circus, not my monkeys.2. Let it go like water off a duck's back.3. Not my problem, not my concern.4. Whatever will be, will be.5. Let the chips fall where they may.6. Not my hill to die on.7. Let sleeping dogs lie.8. Que sera, sera.9. Not my business, not my worry.10. N

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Common victorian sayings

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Quiet sayings pintrest

Here are some quiet sayings that you may find on Pinterest:1. Silence is a source of great strength.2. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.3. In the silence, you find your true self.4. Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.5. Peace begins with a smile.6. Liste