Quick laws sayings

1. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse."

2. "The law is a shield for the innocent and a sword for the guilty."

3. "Justice delayed is justice denied."

4. "Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through."

5. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

6. "The law is a living thing, constantly evolving to meet the needs of society."

7. "The law is a powerful weapon, but it is also a delicate instrument."

8. "The strength of the law lies in its impartiality and consistency."

9. "Laws are like spider webs: they catch the weak and poor, while the rich and powerful break through them."

10. "The rule of law is the foundation of a civilized society."

Above is Quick laws sayings.

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Al-kindi sayings

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