Raining cats and dogs and other sayings

Here are some common sayings related to weather:

1. "Raining cats and dogs" - used to describe heavy rain

2. "Under the weather" - feeling unwell or sick

3. "Every cloud has a silver lining" - there is something positive in every negative situation

4. "Break the ice" - to initiate conversation or friendship in a social setting

5. "Weather the storm" - to endure a difficult situation

6. "Chasing rainbows" - pursuing something that is unlikely to be achieved

7. "Fair-weather friend" - a friend who is only supportive during good times

8. "In the eye of the storm" - in the center of a chaotic situation

9. "Save for a rainy day" - to set aside money for future needs or emergencies

10. "A storm in a teacup" - a situation that is blown out of proportion

Above is Raining cats and dogs and other sayings.

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