Rajni sayings

1. "I can talk English, I can walk English, I can laugh English because English is a very funny language."

2. "I am not afraid of death, but I am in no hurry to die."

3. "I don't want to be a great actor, I want to be a good human being."

4. "I don't want to be the next Bruce Lee, I want to be the first Rajinikanth."

5. "My style is my statement."

6. "I don't celebrate success, I celebrate the work behind it."

7. "I am not a superstar, I am a human being."

8. "I am not a politician, I am a spiritual being."

9. "I am not a hero, I am a superhero."

10. "I don't believe in luck, I believe in hard work."

Above is Rajni sayings.

Bloated belly sayings

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Native american quotes and sayings on love

1. Love is the beauty of the soul. - Hopi Proverb2. Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it. - Cherokee Proverb3. Love is the net where hearts are caught like fish. - Ojibwa Proverb4. To love is to be vulnerable. - Lakota Proverb5. Love is something you and I must have.

Airforce sayings

1. Aim High, Fly-Fight-Win2. No Guts, No Glory3. Fly, Fight, Win4. Death From Above5. Wings of Freedom6. Into the Wild Blue Yonder7. Air Power8. Sky's the Limit9. Air Superiority10. Wings of Valor