Ram gopal varma sayings

Here are some famous quotes by Ram Gopal Varma:

1. "I don't believe in luck. I believe in destiny."

2. "The only thing that matters is the impact a film has on the audience."

3. "I make films for myself. If I like it, I assume there will be an audience for it."

4. "I am not interested in making films that please everyone. I make films that I believe in."

5. "I don't make films to win awards. I make films to tell stories."

6. "I am not afraid of failure. I am afraid of not trying."

7. "Success and failure are part of the game. What matters is the effort you put in."

8. "I don't follow trends. I create my own path."

9. "Filmmaking is a passion for me, not just a profession."

10. "I believe in pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo in cinema."

Above is Ram gopal varma sayings.

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