Rekindled love quotes sayings

1. "Love is like a flame that can be rekindled with a simple spark of affection."

2. "Sometimes love needs to be reignited, like a fire that has burned low but can still be stoked back to life."

3. "True love never dies, it just needs to be reminded of why it first ignited."

4. "In the ashes of a faded love, there is always the potential for a new flame to be kindled."

5. "The love that is rekindled is often the strongest, for it has weathered the trials of time and emerged even brighter."

6. "Like a candle that has been blown out, love can always be relit with the right touch."

7. "Rekindling love is like finding a lost treasure - once rediscovered, it shines even brighter than before."

8. "Love is a fire that can be extinguished, but with effort and care, it can always be rekindled."

9. "The love that is rekindled is like a phoenix rising from the ashes, stronger and more beautiful than ever."

10. "Rekindled love is a testament to the enduring power of the heart, to overcome all obstacles and find its way back to where it belongs."

Above is Rekindled love quotes sayings.

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