Relapse quotes sayings

1. "Relapse is not failure. It's a temporary detour, not a dead end."

2. "Recovery is not a straight line, it's a journey with ups and downs."

3. "Every setback is a setup for a comeback."

4. "It's okay to stumble, just make sure you get back up."

5. "Relapse is a part of recovery, not the end of it."

6. "Fall down seven times, stand up eight."

7. "The road to recovery is not always smooth, but it's worth the journey."

8. "Strength doesn't come from avoiding relapse, but from overcoming it."

9. "You may have relapsed, but you haven't lost all the progress you've made."

10. "Recovery is about progress, not perfection."

Above is Relapse quotes sayings.

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