Religious confirmee sayings

1. "I confirm my faith in God and His teachings."

2. "I embrace the Holy Spirit and its guidance in my life."

3. "I commit to living a life of love, compassion, and service to others."

4. "I am grateful for the blessings of my faith and the support of my religious community."

5. "I will strive to deepen my relationship with God through prayer, reflection, and study of scripture."

6. "I trust in God's plan for me and surrender my will to His divine wisdom."

7. "I am a witness to the power of faith and the transformative grace of God in my life."

8. "I am a proud member of my religious community and will uphold its values and traditions."

9. "I am called to be a light in the world, spreading God's love and peace wherever I go."

10. "I am confirmed in my faith, strengthened by the sacrament, and ready to live out my beliefs with courage and conviction."

Above is Religious confirmee sayings.

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