Renato laranja sayings

Renato Laranja is a fictional character created by comedian and actor Jamie Kilstein. Renato Laranja is known for his humorous and often nonsensical sayings. Some popular Renato Laranja sayings include:

1. "I am the Michael Jordan of jiu-jitsu, baby!"

2. "I eat acai for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It's the secret to my power, my friend."

3. "When I roll, the mats tremble. It's like a earthquake, but with more submissions."

4. "I don't tap, I nap. That's how confident I am in my skills."

5. "My guard is like Fort Knox - impenetrable, my friend."

6. "I don't need a belt to hold up my pants, I have my jiu-jitsu skills for that."

7. "I roll with the intensity of a thousand suns. You can't handle the heat, my friend."

8. "I don't need luck, I have jiu-jitsu on my side."

9. "I'm not just a black belt, I'm a rainbow belt - all the colors of the jiu-jitsu spectrum."

10. "When I step on the mat, it's like a symphony of destruction. Oss!"

Above is Renato laranja sayings.

3 word friendship sayings

1. Friends forever, always.2. Together through everything.3. Best buds forever.

Sayings said wrong facebook

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1. May you find comfort in the memories of your loved one during this difficult time.2. Sending you love and strength as you navigate through your grief.3. May the love and support of those around you bring you solace in your time of loss.4. Wishing you peace and healing as you mourn the loss