Rest in peace sayings for aunt

1. "Gone but never forgotten, may you rest in peace, dear aunt."

2. "You will always hold a special place in our hearts, rest in peace, beloved aunt."

3. "May your soul find eternal peace and comfort in the arms of the angels, dear aunt."

4. "In loving memory of a wonderful aunt, may you rest in peace and watch over us from above."

5. "Your presence brought light and love into our lives, may you now rest in eternal peace, dear aunt."

6. "Though you may be gone, your love and memories will forever remain in our hearts. Rest in peace, dear aunt."

7. "You were a guiding light and a source of strength for us all. Rest in peace, dear aunt, you will be deeply missed."

8. "May the angels sing you to your rest, dear aunt, and may you find peace in the arms of the divine."

9. "Your laughter, love, and kindness will never be forgotten. Rest in peace, dear aunt, until we meet again."

10. "As we say goodbye, we hold onto the memories and love you shared with us. Rest in peace, dear aunt, you will always be cherished."

Above is Rest in peace sayings for aunt.

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